Friday, September 30, 2011

Painting Day

This is painting weekend here. Bryan is away, in Texas, for games. Years ago when Bryan would leave, I would plan weekend projects and get nothing accomplished. Parenting little ones is more than a one person job. But now? Well, now I can cautiously plan projects. Very cautiously, while also planning easy dinners and  free afternoons. This weekend I am painting the final two, unpainted (at least by us) rooms in this house. Why two at once? It is overwhelming, but for convoluted reasons, this seemed like the right choice.

We began by peeling away the old border in the kitchen. Border scraping wasn't in the original work order, but as we washed the walls it peeled away so easily, I made an addendum to the work order. Tonight the border is gone, and the old,dirty gray is covered by a layer of primer.

While Ally and I worked in the kitchen I listened to Sally Clarkson over on Diana Waring's Blog talk radio. Sally's thoughts on home were inspiring. Then we watched the live video of my husband's soccer game. When we spotted him coaching on the sideline, an excited chorus of voices called out, "There's Dad." Arden cheerfully waved. Then we heard his voice. Wafting over the field, over the miles. My heart still thrills when I hear his voice.

Next we primed the boys room, the peachy-yellow painted by many willing hands. We love to let them help, especially with the first layers, knowing mistakes can be corrected. If their work isn't perfect, we're okay with that too. We'd rather give them the space to learn, and mistakes are part of the learning process. Of course, in an old house like this, we let go of perfection long ago. You think you've caught a paint drip on the wall, only to discover it has been there about ten years.

At the day's end, they still had the painting itch. They settled in for watercolors around the dining room table,while I read aloud Madeline Takes Command. All tired, all satisfied, all happy here tonight.

1 comment:

  1. looks good bria! i love seeing all the little helpers painting away :)
