Friday, January 11, 2013

What I'm Reading in 2013 (Maybe)

Back by popular demand: a blog post. And per special request of my mom,

2013 Reading Goals
Christian Books:
1. Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices
2. Calvin's Institutes
3. Augustine's Confessions
4. Imitation of Christ
5. Shaping of a Christian Family - Elliot
6. Desiring God
7. Give Them Grace - Fitzpatrick
8. Holiness - Ryle
9. Resolution For Women
10. When Sinners Say I Do
(Other case the above are too of Rutherford and City of God)

11. My Heart In His Hands
12. A Chance to Die
13. Passion for the Impossible: the Life of Lillias Trotter
14. Killing Lincoln
15. Becoming Dickens

16. Mill on the Floss
17. Jane Austen Book
18. Jane Austen Book (I mean to read one a year and skipped last year, this is make-up work)
19. Anna Karenina (maybe??)
20. Herodotus
21. Plutarch's Lives

22. Shelby Foote's Civil War Vol. II
23. Shelby Foote's Civil War Vol. III
24. Lonesome Dove
25. Book on keeping chickens (maybe someday?...sigh)
26. EntreLeadership
27. Financial Peace
28. Another book on finance
(I'm thinking of reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I might finally be ready.)

If you have a very good memory, or the patience to check, you'll notice there are several titles that were also on last year's list. I did not read "well" last year - at least in terms of meeting my goals. Perhaps I need fewer 700 plus page books on my list, at least during my mothering years. Maybe next year; this year I'm still planning ambitious goals.

These 28 titles leave a little room for fun. And there's always fun to be had at the library.

 You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.
C.S. Lewis

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